Tracy Henry
Revision Date of Lesson Plan:
April 20, 2010
Overall Goal for the Lesson:
Students will write a Bio-Poem, attach a photo, and post to my website.
Description of classroom, grade level, and students:
My name is Tracy Henry and I am the secondary special education teacher at Arapaho-Butler High School in Arapaho, Oklahoma. I teach 7th grade thru 12th grade Language Arts, Pre-Algebra, Algebra, and Geometry for students who qualify with a discrepancy in these areas. I have one senior, two juniors, three sophomores, five freshmen, two 8th graders, two 7th graders, and one 504 student in my special education caseload. I have sixteen folders. Eleven boys, five girls, fourteen white (Non Hispanic), two Hispanic or Latino, seven are in the regular classroom 40% – 79% of the day, nine are in the regular classroom 80% or more of the day, thirteen qualify with Specific Learning Disabilities, two qualify Other Health Impaired, and one qualifies Emotionally Disturbed.
I am writing this lesson for my 5th Hour Language Arts Lab class. This class is made up of two, 7th grade male students who qualify for special education services with Specific Learning Disabilities in Reading and Written Expression.
Student Objectives for the lesson:
At the conclusion of this assignment, students will have created a project that includes a picture of themselves and a Bio-Poem with 70% accuracy using the provided rubric.
Length of Lesson:
This lesson will be completed in 5, 50 minute, class periods.
Schedule of Activities:
Introduce Bio-Poems:
A Bio-Poem is a poem that describes a person in 11 lines. There is a specific formula to use when writing a bio-poem.
Poem Directions
Line 1: First name
Line 2: Four traits that describe your character: ,
, ,
Line 3: Relative (brother, sister, daughter, son, etc.) of:
Line 4: Lover of: , , (list three things or people)
Line 5: Who feels: , , (three things)
Line 6: Who needs: , , (three things)
Line 7: Who fears: , , (three things)
Line 8: Who gives: , , (three things)
Line 9: Who would like to see: , ,
(three things)
Line 10: Resident of
Line 11: Last name___________________________Tuesday:
Students will use a digital camera to take pictures of themselves. Pictures will then be downloaded into a file and named on the computer. Students will then upload their pictures from the computer onto the Bio-Poem webpage in the space provided.
Wednesday and Thursday:Students will be given time in class to complete the rough draft of their Bio-Poem. Students will be given a copy of the grading rubric to follow as they work on their poems. Friday:Today we are going to share our Bio-Poems.1. Chose a partner.
2. Take turns presenting your Bio-Poem to your neighbor.3. Use the grading rubric, provided, to score your partners Bio-Poem. Leave feedback explaining your grade.4. Re-write your Bio-Poem using feedback given by your partner.5. Post your finished Bio-Poem here.Accommodations: How might the lesson need to be adapted for students with special needs?
The lesson activities may easily be modified to accommodate special needs students. Students help each other use the digital camera. Students who are proficient in downloading and naming pictures can easily guide those students who need one-on-one help with the process. Peers can also help guide special needs students in the use of the computer.
In some cases, special needs students may need to dictate poem ideas to another student who acts as a recorder, or they may dictate the poem using a tape recorder. The student recorder may then help the special needs child type the poem. The classroom teacher will decide on the final product expectations based on the specific needs of the individual student.Materials Needed:
Computer with Internet Connection
Bio-Poem format
Grading rubric
mrs_henry website
Assessments: How will these activities be assessed?Bio Poem
Self-Assessment/Peer Review ChecklistName ____________________________ Date ______________
Follow format
Number of lines
Writing is legible
Both margins observed
Each line begins with a capital letter
Line format directions
Each line begins at the left-hand margin
Correct punctuation
Correct spelling
Peer Review Comments
Peer Reviewer ______________________________ Date _____________
PASS Content Standards Addressed:Standard1:Writing Process - The student will use the writing process to write coherently.
Standard 2. Modes and Forms of Writing - The student will write for a variety of purposes and audiences using narrative, descriptive, expository, persuasive, and reflective modes.Writing/Grammar/Usage and Mechanics: The student will express ideas effectively in written modes for a variety of purposes and audiences.
Standard 3:
Grammar/Usage and Mechanics - The student will demonstrate appropriate practices in writing by applying grammatical knowledge to the revising and editing stages of writing.
PASS Instructional Technology Standards:
Standard 1:
The student will demonstrate knowledge of basic operations and concepts.
Standard 2:
The student will demonstrate knowledge of social, ethical, and human issues.
Standard 3:
The student will demonstrate knowledge of technology productivity tools.
Standard 4:
The student will demonstrate knowledge of technology communication tools.
Standard 5:
The student will demonstrate knowledge of technology research tools.
Standard 6:
The student will demonstrate knowledge of technology problem-solving and decision-making tools.
Students will use a digital camera to take pictures of themselves. Pictures will then be downloaded into a file and named on the computer. Students will then upload their pictures from the computer onto the Bio-Poem webpage in the space provided.
Wednesday and Thursday:Students will be given time in class to complete the rough draft of their Bio-Poem. Students will be given a copy of the grading rubric to follow as they work on their poems. Friday:Today we are going to share our Bio-Poems.
2. Take turns presenting your Bio-Poem to your neighbor.
The lesson activities may easily be modified to accommodate special needs students. Students help each other use the digital camera. Students who are proficient in downloading and naming pictures can easily guide those students who need one-on-one help with the process. Peers can also help guide special needs students in the use of the computer.
In some cases, special needs students may need to dictate poem ideas to another student who acts as a recorder, or they may dictate the poem using a tape recorder. The student recorder may then help the special needs child type the poem. The classroom teacher will decide on the final product expectations based on the specific needs of the individual student.
Computer with Internet Connection
Bio-Poem format
Grading rubric
mrs_henry website
Assessments: How will these activities be assessed?
Self-Assessment/Peer Review Checklist
Follow format
Number of lines
Writing is legible
Both margins observed
Each line begins with a capital letter
Line format directions
Each line begins at the left-hand margin
Correct punctuation
Correct spelling
Peer Review Comments
Standard 3:
Grammar/Usage and Mechanics - The student will demonstrate appropriate practices in writing by applying grammatical knowledge to the revising and editing stages of writing.
PASS Instructional Technology Standards:
Standard 1:
The student will demonstrate knowledge of basic operations and concepts.
Standard 2:
The student will demonstrate knowledge of social, ethical, and human issues.
Standard 3:
The student will demonstrate knowledge of technology productivity tools.
Standard 4:
The student will demonstrate knowledge of technology communication tools.
Standard 5:
The student will demonstrate knowledge of technology research tools.
Standard 6:
The student will demonstrate knowledge of technology problem-solving and decision-making tools.
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